Mustard seeds are the small round seeds of various mustard plants. The seeds are usually about 1 to 2 millimeters (0.039 to 0.079 in) in diameter and may be colored from yellowish white to black.

Mustard seeds have been highly prized culinary oil-seeds being in use since earlier times. The seeds are fruit pods obtained from the mustard plant, in the Brassica family.


The mustard is a well-known oilseed. It is a small annual plant that grows up to a height of one meter with some branches. It has a round stem with long inter modes, simple, alternate, and very soft yellowish-green leaves.

The fruit is a pod of about 2.5 cm. long containing seeds.

It also contains vitamin B6, folic acid, magnesium, calcium, iron, niacin, vitamin A, and is an excellent source of phytochemicals thought to prevent cancer an excellent source of vitamin E, vitamin C.